Arizona Student Media
Arizona Student Media engages more than 200 paid and volunteer students in meaningful real-world experiences in journalism, media, design and business that complement coursework and provide students with intensive leadership roles. The student-run Arizona Daily Wildcat, KAMP Student Radio and UATV-3 provide a vibrant living media lab for students to learn, innovate and impact - not only the campus & local communities but their own lives and careers in whatever field they choose.
Student Media is a university (Student Affairs) auxiliary operating largely on revenues from the sale of advertising, sponsorships and other entrepreneurial ventures. In addition to student-run media, the department publishes the UA Campus Map brochure and other publications for the campus community.

Media Fee
This refundable $3 per student per semester fee helps support the student-run Arizona Daily Wildcat, KAMP Student Radio and UATV3.

We are excited to announce that over the summer of 2019, Arizona Student Media is moving into our new home in the University Services Building. Stay tuned for updates and photos!

As a largely self-funded auxiliary, Arizona Student Media needs your support to continue to provide real-world experience to U of A student participants.
Alumni Spotlight

Nicole Santa Cruz, former Daily Wildcat reporter & editor in chief, and currently a reporter with the Los Angeles Times: "The Arizona Daily Wildcat gave me my first taste of journalism. It was where I felt the first adrenaline rush as a reporter covering the school’s transition from Peter Likins to Robert Shelton. It was where I learned how to make ethical news decisions and ultimately, where I realized my passion for writing the first draft of history. Simply put, the Wildcat is one of the best experiences on the UA campus. Like many of my predecessors have said, there’s no group on campus that works harder."
Corey Benjamin, former Daily Wildcat advertising sales representative, and currently director of business initiatives at EDC Technology, part of the L Street Collaborative Network, in Chicago. "Since my tenure in the advertising department at the Wildcat ran nearly as long as my studies at the U of A, it was always more than just a job. It was an education unto itself, as where else would your day take you from a sushi restaurant to class to a tattoo parlor to a study group to a bike shop, all by noon? Managing a book of business on top of my studies over that long of a time frame forged a diligent work ethic and comfort for the unexpected that has been essential to my career path to date. Whether butting heads with the newsroom over which side of the paper was the most important, working with the eclectic business community that makes Tucson outstanding, or designing an entire campaign from scratch with the help of the creative department, I’m grateful for the wealth of memories I have from the Daily Wildcat newspaper."

Kelly Lewis, former Daily Wildcat reporter & news editor, now an entrepreneur who created and publishes Go! Girl Guides, country by country travel guidebooks for women. Without a doubt, the three years I spent at the Arizona Daily Wildcat put me directly on a career path to today. Those were the years I found a passion for news and for journalism, and the years in which I was able to experiment with different types of news coverage and different styles of writing. Being able to be on the frontline of breaking news, and being able to cover that news the way we did, still gives me goosebumps.